WATCH: NEP’s Systems Integration Team Readies Release of New Mobile Unit

Almost a year ago, NEP U.S. Broadcast Services rolled out Supershooter 5, its first fully IP mobile unit to be powered by NEP’s Broadcast Control (TFC), the proprietary software engine powering NEP’s Global Production Ecosystem.

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Almost a year ago, NEP U.S. Broadcast Services rolled out Supershooter 5, its first fully IP mobile unit to be powered by NEP’s Broadcast Control (TFC), the proprietary software engine powering NEP’s Global Production Ecosystem.

There have been others since – here’s to you, SRT3 – and for the past 20,000 hours or so, NEP’s Systems Integration team has been putting the finishing touches on its latest content creator on wheels.

 Supershooter 6, hello world.

Following an initial tour of NEP’s Mobile Units field shop, the video above zooms in on the NEP Systems Integration team as they ready for their latest next-gen truck drop. In the coming weeks, Supershooter 6 will hit the streets and head to its first show.

“Throughout our projects here, people take a great sense of pride in what they do,” said Justin Beninati, NEP Senior Project Coordinator.

“What I love about the last couple weeks of every project, is you see all of that come together. Everything that the audio engineers put into it, the video engineers, and all of our carpenters, our welders, our electricians – all of that work is coming together.”

The innovation of NEP Mobile Units like Supershooter 6 is born out of an intimate understanding of what today’s live sports and entertainment content creators need. By collaborating with clients around the world to gain valuable insights and feedback, NEP’s global engineering teams are able to turn their needs into reality, supporting clients as they bring their content to life.

NEP is committed to equipping all new NEP mobile units with TFC. Designed to solve the industry’s issues related to IP control, TFC provides an easy-to-use broadcast control and monitoring system to streamline, simplify and speed up the configuration and connection of on-site and remote facilities. Developed internally by NEP software engineers, TFC is technology agnostic, making it compatible with virtually any technology in the broadcast and live event environment.

Supershooter 6 is 1080p-ready and 4K-capable, featuring a Grass Valley Kayenne X-Frame switcher, a Calrec Apollo audio console, Sony HDC-3500 cameras, two 5500 cameras, a Lawo IP router, multi-viewer and EVS XT VIA servers.

“There’s close to 20,000 hours of time put into it,” said Joe Signorino, Vice President, NEP Systems Design & Integration.

“They’re excited to get it done, because, who doesn’t like a nice shiny new TV truck?”

And another, and another.

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Watch the previous NEP Tech Blog entry “The Work Here Never Stops”: A Tour Inside NEP’s U.S. Mobile Units Field Shop, and others on

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