Red Bull Batalla de los Gallos World Final 2020

NEP Group, together with its partner Red Bull Media House, pushed the limits of impossible by holding the very first freestyle rap event in a completely virtual environment.

NEP Group, together with its partner Red Bull Media House, pushed the limits of impossible by holding the very first freestyle rap event in a completely virtual environment.

NEP Spain

Red Bull

Dominican Republic

NEP Group, together with its partner Red Bull Media House, pushed the limits of impossible by holding the very first freestyle rap event in a completely virtual environment. The 2020 Red Bull Batalla de los Gallos International Final represented a massive technological and artistic challenge.

The 2020 final was vastly different from the previous years. Red Bull decided to use a virtual stage, making it the first rap competition to ever do so. The broadcast had 5 cameras, including Steadicams and Technocrane, with augmented reality technology that were set up in front of a 12 meters deep and 24 meters wide green box. To make it more epic, the final was held live while the background changed from desert to arctic landscape. The gigantic green box was built in the Pinewood Studios of the Dominican Republic. Fifty gallons of paint as 95 Skypanels shipped in from New York. Five gaming render engines, over 100 tracking points and 80 professionals from Spain, Netherlands, Germany, Russia, Singapore, Argentina, and the Dominican Republic. All of this brought to life in a span of only six weeks from the first call with Red Bull to the final event. A revolutionary milestone for virtual broadcast event productions!


168 hours to load in

60 hour rehearsals

4 hour live show

12 hour load out

Main Grid

200+ truss meters

95 Skypanels light

40 Fresnel lights

+200 Socapex Meters

Live Audio

5 Sound desks

20 microphones

25 IEM

1 PA System

2 Lights desk

2 Rack dimmers

288k to Fresnel power

1 Media Server


6 GVG 86n Camera Channel

1 GVG Kayak 3ME Vision Mixer Panel- 72 In 36 Out  

1 Lawo Mc2 56mk Ii Control Surface

3 Remote Dallis

1 Steadicam

1 Technocrane

4 Fixed Cameras

NEP also produced a documentary about the event for Red Bull. From the thrill of rhymes on the virtual stage to the intense competition off-stage, Imparables: Red Bull Batalla offers a behind-the-scenes look at one of the most ambitious freestyle competitions in the world.

To view the full documentary, visit

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