NEP company Roll To Record, the world leader in robotic camera systems and semi-permanent studio installations, is once again working with production company Twofour to provide the fixed rig technical hardware, planning and logistics, and operational crew for the next installment of Educating.
NEP company Roll To Record, the world leader in robotic camera systems and semi-permanent studio installations, is once again working with production company Twofour to provide the fixed rig technical hardware, planning and logistics, and operational crew for the next installment of Educating…. The team also provided similar end-to-end support for Twofour’s BAFTA-winning series Educating Essex and Educating Yorkshire. The new series is based at Frederick Bremer School in Walthamstow, East London.
This time Roll To Record has supplied and installed 68 cameras, including five new Panasonic HE-60 cameras. While most of the cameras remain fixed, the Roll To Record crew is working with the production team to move some of them among the 75 set camera positions available in order to follow stories as they emerge or if certain areas are used more than others. 63 fixed mics are rigged around the school, with an additional 24 radio mics in use.
Roll to Record has also invested in two new Digico SD Ten audio consoles with broadcast software, as the remote fibred IO racks and built-in MADI capability provide the large number of IO paths needed for this project.
The school is also significantly larger than Thornhill Community Academy which featured in Educating Yorkshire, necessitating more rigging and cabling, though Roll to Record has been able to maintain the same size crew for set-up and ongoing on-site operation and maintenance. Many measures are in place to minimise disruption at the school, including stacking two production cabins on top of each other to save ground space.
Mick Bass, Commercial Director, Roll to Record, said. “We are very pleased to work with Twofour once again on this award-winning series. Our experience of providing the production infrastructure for the first two series means that we can capture the highest quality footage while remaining as unobtrusive as possible.”